Thursday, 14 November 2019

London touristtrap:

London touristtrap:

London is a beautiful and lively city located in England that everyone knows. It's a touristtrap for one who wants to go on holiday and have a great trip. It has unique landscapes and interesting places to see.

It's famous because of its picturesque places, historical museums and neighbourhoods that shock people because they appear in British movies that they see on TV or cinema.
Therefore, a visit to London Eye, Big Ben, the queen's palace and Hide Park is unfurgettable. We recommend you to visit this places. Because it's breathtaking in the opinion of many tourists.
Besides, you can wander around the ancient and modern neighbourhoods that it offers and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere that London has.

In short, London is the best option that you have, it's gorgeous and their places and people are charming. If you would like to visit a picturesque and different city, you've jusr found your next trip.

Resultat d'imatges de london tumblrResultat d'imatges de london tumblrResultat d'imatges de london tumblrResultat d'imatges de london tumblrResultat d'imatges de london tumblr

Should we become vegetarians?

Should we become vegetarians?

Did you know that 50 billion farm animals worldwide are raised in factory farms, where they live and die in pain? Can you live in peace knowing this pact? We strongly believe that the number of vegetarians should increase.

First of all, you should know that raising half a kilogram of beef uses up to 1900 litres of water. It is enough for you to shower for a year. Besides, raising animals for food uses 30% of the world's land, wich is a lot.

Secondly, another important aspect to consider is that at least, 50% of greenhouse gases are emitted by cattle. 

Fortunately, becoming a vegetarian help the environment, as well improve our health, because it reduces the risk of suffering heart diseases, obesity or diabetes. 

In conclusion, from our point of view to be vegetarians would help the environment and ourselves. That's why vegeterianism is the best way of life in the world.
Imatge relacionadaImatge relacionadaResultat d'imatges de vegetarians tumblr

Thursday, 10 October 2019

hawaii writing


Hawaii is a spectacular North American island located in the Pacific ocean about 28311km2 
of area. It’s one-of-a-kind beautiful and multicoloured places in the world and it has are of 
the best crystal-clear water in its beaches.

Hawaii is one of the most famous heavenly islands around the world, and it has a lot of 
special and unique qualities. You can wander around breathtaking beaches and see
peaceful landscapes. It’s popular for its cheerful and hospitable people, and for the dances
of its culture. 

If you visit it and you want to have a great time, you can do a lot of different activities. 
For example water sports, like surf or kite surfing. Besides, you can take a boat and
see the sunset in the sea and the other neighbouring islands too.

The last mentioned activities are the best options in the opinion of tourists.Therefore, 
we recommend you,to experience this. You can’t miss a visit to this island before you 
die. In short, if you are thinking to go on holiday, Hawaii is your best option.

Èlia and Nerea Fernández.

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Should city centres be turn into a car free pedestrian only zone?

Many people think that it is impossible that the city centre is turned into a car free pedestrian only zone. But, have you ever waited to think and reflection on the disadvantantages and benefits of these possible change?

In my opinion, this thing produces a lot of bad things to the residents of this place. Because the circulation of the cars in the city centres produces a lot of noise and pollution and the pederatians have to suffer this. In addition, it is very stifling because cars that circulate in the centre of these locations produce that the residents can’t get around in tranquility and peacefulness. But, as these people that have to commute to their job every day, have to go slowlier and they need to walk if they want to arrive to their correspondent jobs, and then to go back to their homes.

In short, I can say that from my point of view this question is very difficult to anwer because it’s very uncertainly. Because it’s depends on the residents and their necessities.

Wednesday, 13 February 2019


2. It is a cat whose housekeeper is Èlia.
3. This is a color which Eva preferes.
5. There is a food that Eva loves.
6. The reason why we study so much.
1. Is the law which people don’t respect.
4. There are a town where Èlia born.

Thursday, 10 January 2019


Fernandez, Èlia:
1st I was seen your gmail- I saw your gmail
I’m living in a little town- I live in a little town
In Barcelona- Near Barcelona
In the high school- at a high school
Favourites sports- Favourite sports
Stay with my friends- Staying with my friends
To all things- On all things
I was sayed to you- I told you
I’m speak catalan- I speak catalan
Was applied for a grant- X


                LEVEL            OF
        UNDERSTANDING          AND
C:\Users\PROFES\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\DYB7BAM9\Kliponious-green-tick[1].png

VERY  WELL (100/80%)
NOT BAD (79-50%)
C:\Users\PROFES\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\QRUX7X33\smiley-1635448_960_720[1].pngNOT AT ALL (49-0%)

  • Newspaper  presentation

Why? because I have a lot of problems with the pronunciation and with the vocabulary I have to use

  • class reading tests

Why? It's good because I understand the texts mostly, but it could improve a lot

  • email

Why?I followed the structure of gmail and learned the expressions used in the different  parts, and the exam results are well

  • class listening tests

Why? Its hard to understand because it speaks very fast

  • Mixed verb tenses

  • Present perfect simple and continuous

  • Future perfect and continuous

  • Stative verbs

I mix a lot the tenses and stative verbs

  • Topic 1 newspapers

Why? I remember well the words
* Answer  the “Why?”    question in
English, Catalan or Spanish,  the way
you feel  more comfortable

Yes, because this separations are very usefull for the people that no control very good the language.

I want to improve very much my english in this course.