Aquest matí he estat a casa de la meva padrina, i he fet pastissos amb ella. He dinat un plat de carn amb patates ,i després he mirat la televisió. Més tard he jugat amb la meva cosina petita amb les seves nines i hem jugat a la consola. A les 8 de el vespre he anat a casa meva amb la meva cosina i hem anat a fer fotos. Després ,he mirat una película i he sopat. Després m'he posat al llit i he estat amb el móbil i he llegit un llibre. Quan he acabat he begut un vas de llet i he anat a domir. He pasat un dia molt divertit!
This morning I have stayed in my grandmother's house, and I have made cakes with her. I have taken lunch ,one plate of meet and chips. And then, we have seen the television. Later, I have played dolls with my cousin ,and then we have played with Play Station. At 8 PM of afternoon I have gone to my house with my cousin and we have gone to take photos. Then, I have seen a film and I have taken dinner. Then ,I have gone to bed and I have stayed with the phone and then, I have read a book. When I have finished this ,I have drunk one glass of milk and then I have gone to sleep. I have spent a very funny day!
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