Thursday, 9 January 2020

Should the exams disappear from schools? (opinion essay)

Should the exams disappear from schools?
Have you ever thiought about whether your schools is preparing and teaching you about the real world? In the future, you will have a job, and it will have to be relationed to your skills and how you can use and improve them. I strongly believe that our education system isn't has this aim.

Firstly, we know that, it works with exams, and, unfortunatelly the marks decide your intelligence.
If you know how to learn by heart a lot of information and then, you use this in a test, you will succeed. 
From my pount of view, it doesn't increase your criteria, because you can't think or see out of the box. As I see it, your creativity hasn't a place here.
Consequently, we are teaching the new generations wrongly, we are making human robots, without a mind or imagination.

In short, in my opinion we need to make people aware that maybe we can solve a lot of problems of our students if we make the exams disappear. Besides, we can change them by leisure activities that increase the motivation of pupils.

Resultat d'imatges de examsResultat d'imatges de exams

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