Tuesday, 24 March 2020

“Making Esperanto a common, international language is idealistic but impossible.”

“Making Esperanto a common, international language is idealistic but
impossible.” Write an article for your school magazine with arguments
for or against this statement.

All human beings' big experiments began with idealistic thoughts. If
nobody has thought out of the box, nowadays we wouldn’t had a lot
of gadgets or pleasures, like electricity, knowledges about a lot of matters, etc.
As I see it, nothing which is in our hands is impossible.

Obviously it is difficult, because it requires a lot of system and society
changes, in social and education spheres, for example. But it isn’t
impossible. First of all, it needs cooperation and a lot of work, and
like this Esperanto is allowed to be a new era of international language,
and a new chance to meet people, without the difficulties of understanding

Therefore, it can be very beneficial to the world residents union, and to
expand the different cultures more than with the globalisation, in a most
human and nearby way.

Fortunately, the brains of someone don’t understand about impossible things. 

In short, I strongly believe that Esperanto can be a common international
language if we all put of our help to do it. And then, schoolmates, we’ll be
able to say: welcome to a new era!

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