Thursday, 23 April 2020

Essay - Latest morphing technology

Write an essay on the consequences that the use of the latest morphing
technology might have for news agencies and the lack of trust in the media.
Why do we to think before in the negative consequences of a thing that means 
an advance of our technology and society? As I see it, we live in a selfish society, 
where it is more important a better appearance than a mechanical intelligent 
improvement. We have it instilled, so we are used to lying constantly. Therefore, 
I think that the latest morphing technology will increase the difficulties of news 
agencies to be credible and the lack of trust in media too.
First of all, we aren’t constantly controlled by robots, we are human beings and this 
is our life. So in my opinion, it’s necessary for people to lose the trust in media because 
obviously we don’t want to be puppets.
Secondly,  unfortunately  due to these reasons, trustworthy news agencies will lose 
credibility, because if we were aware of these things, we wouldn’t believe most of 
the news because we would think that they were fake.
In short, as a consequence, they trick us every time and manipulate our judgement 
and our behaviour, and it’s unacceptable. But I personally feel that as the technology 
is progressing, we have to do it too, and learn to differentiate  fake-news from the real one. 

Trust in digital technology will be the internet's next frontier ...

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